musicmom Headline Animator

Friday, June 24, 2011

Can't Complain!

So awsome; Evon though, I didn't hear the greatest of news at my appointment on Thursday, the support was the best! And, I know it's because, God had a hand in that support system! I coudn't ask for more! Thank you God for all these wonderful people in my life!! I am truely greatful for! It's because of  you that I am getting stronger; in everything that comes my way!! Thank you LORD! Hearing not so great news the first time was hard. I cried hard! Now if I hear something like what I heard on Thursday; grant it, I didn't like it, but wasn't as bad. I always let all my Family and friends know what's going on. Social Networking, it can be good; and well, you know the rest! I like to use it for good. To share things like; my Blogs! So I hope all of  you who read my blogs; please... don't hesitate to leave a comment. I do enjoy reading , and I appriciate any input! Thanks everyone for your time, it is greatly appriciated! Please take care, and God Bless!

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