musicmom Headline Animator

Saturday, May 28, 2011


DailyPlan : one-year-tract : 2011-05-28 #Bible

Friday, May 27, 2011

musicmom: Okay, Here it is folks! The video that was too lon...

musicmom: Okay, Here it is folks! The video that was too lon...

Okay, Here it is folks! The video that was too long for YouTube!!

Picture animation!

This is what I made with my photo in " Lab" ( application.

My Video Was Too Long For YouTube!!

Yep; my video was 17 minutes long. Too long for their standards. Say what?! Okay; I've seen videos longer than that on youtube, seriously!!! You know, couldn't they break it up in sections?! Oh, I guess I will have to figure that one out? Go figure, or do I have to pay for editing to break up the video?! That really stinks! I was going to do that through something on youtube only, you have to pay to do different types of editing! Well, either I wait to have the money; or maybe find a better deal. Like free!! Which ever works I guess!! However, I did manage to post my video on Facebook!! Cool! Okay, so there you have it! God Bless!! And have a good one! Peace.

1 Corinthians 15:56-57 () 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. #Bible

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good Day Everyone!

Hi everyone! I know, I posted a video earlier today, so what did you think of the prediction that was made about the world ending?! I thought it was rediculous! Why? Why did this same guy; who said, that it was going to end in the 1990's get away with saying it again?! Well, like a dummy, I almost believed it myself! It just sounded so depressing! I should have known better though!! No man knows when the world will end; no man!!! Only God knows! End of report! God Bless, and have a good one! Peace.

evwheelock's webcam video May 24, 2011 11:06 AM

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Interesting, that now a days there are a lot of places hiring, and yes you absoulutly have to have a high school diploma, or a Ged. Even at a fast food restuarant! Wow; how times have changed from back in the day!  Yes, my husband put jobs in online today, not the amount he was supposed to put online though. 60. Actually, he has fiftythree more that he has to put online. Crazy. And, he had some homework to do also, from his Ged class. He regrets dropping out back in the day. Yep, life sucks when your trying to get any kind of job without a high school diploma, or Ged. And, also when you have a low credit score too. That stinks too. Back in '09' my husband was going to a Ged class, when the teacher I guess was looking ong on the computer, When that Wingfoot job come up. Long story short,they needed one more person; my husband jumped on that one! But, being the kind of job where you don't know when your going to be home, there went that Ged class. So, he's taking it again! With the same teacher too. All this, so we can continue to get the food, and, cash money on our bridge card. I hope, and pray for a good outcome from all of this! Times are dfinetly hard for everyone! I can only pray that it gets better for all of us!  Don't give up people, have faith! It's a struggle, but we will make it through. I struggle spiritually everyday, from the moment I wake up; from the time I go to bed, but I don't give in. I keep praying, and it gets me through the day in one piece. And, through the night! It also helps when their are so many people praying for me, and my family. It's Cool!! I have every reason to be happy! Thank you! Well, that is all everyone, have a good one! And God Bless!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kids; Gotta Love 'EM'!

Ah yes; kids... I have two of them! One who's going to be fifteen this coming Thursday, and a seven year old! Both boys. And of course, when asked by his grandmother about what to get him for his Birthday; of course; skinny jeans! Go figure! So... yesterday, he brought home a coupon from JCPenny! I guess he had brought it up to one of his teachers. Hey; it doesn't hurt to save money on anything, even on clothes! I feel bad for the kid though, because he knows our situation right now; money wise. Most of the money I get every month goes towards the bills and trying to keep the rent down. Well, we just started getting cash on the Bridge card at the beginning of this month; and if I'm not mistaken, it goes on the card twice a month! So... hopefully pretty soon there will be cash money on the card. Well, as of today; my husband is going for his GED classes again. He will be going twice a week. And between today and tomorrow; he has to put 60 applications in online. Yep, 60. Anyway..... i was talking about the kids right!! Oops, got side tracked! Yep, I love both of my boys, even if at times they drive me crazy!! And yes, they do have there own personality; one thing they do have in common is a sense of humor! Yep, they're both a couple of hams! And that is fine with me!! They have their moments like everyone else; but they also know how to be very polite! When they get home from school; homework first, then go outside, if weather permits of course. Otherwise they would have to unwind indoors! Older kids don't get to go outside and play at school, and the elementrary kids don't get enough playtime at all, so yeah when they get home, after homework; arrrgh crazy time!! Not too crazy though! Well, that is all everyone! May God Bless all of you! And have a good one! Peace.

Monday, May 16, 2011

musicmom: Yay!!! My husband might have a Job I Hope?!

musicmom: Yay!!! My husband might have a Job I Hope?!: "Yes, you heard right everyone; hopefully my husband will get a job. He's supposed to hear something in a couple of days. Until then,tomorrow..."

Yay!!! My husband might have a Job I Hope?!

Yes, you heard right everyone; hopefully my husband will get a job. He's supposed to hear something in a couple of days. Until then,tomorrow he is going to a GED class! Cool! That will get him out of my hair for a while,lol! No offense to all the men out there; but, you do drive us nuts! After a while it only takes minutes to drive us crazy! Am I right ladies? Anyone out there know what I'm talking about?! Hey; I love my husband, it's just that now; more than ever he needs to be out of the house! I want to be able to miss him when he's at work, or at school! He doesn't give me a chance to do so; Brat!! What a goof! Well, I don't have much more to say, right now, and it's late night or early morning, whatever you want to call it! Anyway, have to get up bright and early to get my kids up! Okay, bye for now people! God Bless! And Peace to all mankind!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

musicmom: B For..... Well, You Figure Out the Rest.

musicmom: B For..... Well, You Figure Out the Rest.: "Well, can't complain; everything is working out sofar at my Doctors visits!! Amen!! But, my husband is driving me nuts!!!! Grant it he is do..."

B For..... Well, You Figure Out the Rest.

Well, can't complain; everything is working out sofar at my Doctors visits!! Amen!! But, my husband is driving me nuts!!!! Grant it he is doing his part, but he is still driving me crazy! Arrrrgh! I know, I know, chill out right?! Uuuh; should I? I guess I should just a little bit? Doesn't mean I'm going to let up though. What was good for me; is good for him too!!! I know everyone has their own opinion on this subject; and that's fine with me. I did everything in the past that I was suppossed to do to help pay for bills that needed to be payed for of ours, and even payed my mother- in-law for babysitting. But; I will say, this; I never lived with my in-laws for free! The first time around, about sixteen years ago, when I was new to the household; I was paying my share of the rent! I even helped with buying the food for the house, might as well, we were living there too! And, no, not with a Bridgecard either! Sorry for the not so great mood that I'm in right now,just... a little tired & frusterated, and maybee just a tad bit moody. It's not that unusual for me really; if it should get to where it would be a concern; then I will let my Oncology Dr. know, until then I'm fine! Please don't get me wrong, I don't like treating any adult like a child; I don't! But when certain persons act like one; what else can you do when all else fails and you get to that point where you say, that's it; no more! So yeah...please forgive me for saying this; but someone wear the pants. And, really I do wear pants [ prefurably] jeans everyday people! On Sundays I wear nice looking pants though, not jeans. Maybee once in a while, I wear a skirt outfit. Not everyday though. Well, That is all for now everyone! God Bless, and have a good one!

''Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart'' -Proverbs 3:3 Quotes by DodsonEng

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Katie Todd doing Fiona Apple's Extraordinary Machine

@wwfnnyg: RT @TerrenceJ106 The sooner you stop caring about other peoples opinions of you is the sooner you'll taste freedom ... Shared via Tweetcaster

Love & Prayers to everyone!

Gruesome Accident Claims Young Mother, - Sent via the FOX News Android App. Download the app: #

Sunday, May 1, 2011

THE PLAYPEN: Edge - Sayin' goodbye to a Legend

THE PLAYPEN: Edge - Sayin' goodbye to a Legend: "So tonight on Raw we get the unexpected retirement of Edge. Being the pro-wrestling industry you get that a lot, angles like this come and g..."